The Google broad core update that started rolling out on the 25th of May has officially finished rolling out as of the 9th of June, so now is the time to start measuring the impact of the new update on your business.
Google is about highlighting the best and most relevant web pages to give quality answers to queries, but this isn’t so simple. Search is a multifaceted beast, and what is good for one business could be bad for another. This is why internet businesses shudder when a new Google update is announced; Will your content still be relevant, have your rankings been affected, and will this impact your revenue?
What is the Broad core update?
Google is constantly making updates and changes to their platform, and this update is no different. It looks to improve search, giving users more relevant results while taking into account the ever-changing nature of the web. A road core update, as the name suggests, is a ‘broad’ update. It doesn’t tackle any one thing specifically – it simply looks to improve search. This includes all countries and languages as well as ALL content – that means yours too!
What are the effects of the update on my business?
Since the update, you may have noticed peaks or drops in your ranking. This is normal with any update rollout. Google is just crawling your site again since the last update to see if your content is still relevant. Google will look at many web pages and put other content up against yours, it usually takes a couple of weeks until you can accurately see the impact of the new core update. If you are regularly updating your content in line with best practices, then you shouldn’t see any detrimental impact on your business. If you are at all concerned about your website’s rankings, or you’d like some assistance ensuring that your content meets the ever-evolving criteria for a high position in search, then get in touch with us straight away, we can work with you on an effective content strategy to enhance the authority and visibility of your business.
What do the results of the Broad core mean?
Well, there seems to be a preference for video content over text-based content which is in line with how people use the internet. There also seems to be a positive lean towards specialist content over general content – this could be due to how people are now using search. It is also interesting to see that content generated by AI has taken a hit. Although AI can make up part of a great strategy, it shouldn’t be relied on. If your website has a lot of AI-generated content, then you are more likely to see a negative impact since the last core update.
Now the rollout is complete you can start getting some data about its impact on your business. If you have seen growth, then more power to you! That means your content is of high quality and Google-friendly. If you are experiencing drops in your ranking however, then it may be time to revisit your content. Although this can be a daunting task, it is a vital one. If you’re not sure how to plan and create content, we can help. Get in touch with us today to find out more.